Being the somewhat bizarre ramblings of a book reading fanatic,a picture taking fiend, and a writer who scribbles bits of information on napkins...
Friday, December 17, 2010
My finals are DONE!
Now I have this glorious stack of books sitting next to me and I just can't help but beam with happiness. Okay, I've painted a picture of me with just a tad bit too much cheerfulness. I'm actually more subdued than that because I'm in the process of getting over a cold and I don't particularly feel like smiling at the moment, much less beam. So I guess here is a more realistic portrait. I'm laying on my bed, surrounded by piles of books, and while I'm not actually smiling, I am picking them up one by one and trying to decide which ones to read first. So now that I don't have that obnoxious thing called school in my life I have all the time in the world to get other things accomplished.
I actually have a list of things that I want to do.
1. Clean my room. This sounds petty and slightly insane, but because homework has been eating my life I've kind of let things go in my room and the messiness is starting to drive me insane.
2. Read, Read, Read. This is a no-brainer.
3. Write. I feel like I haven't written anything good at all. So I'm going to change that by keeping a journal with me at all times and jot stuff down in it...hopefully this habit will be so well-formed that by the time school starts I'll be able to keep it up.
4. Eat better. I need to work on eating a good breakfast every morning.
5. Exercise. I want to be healthy.
6. Get organized. This kind of goes along with my room, but also the files on my computer, the clothes in my closet, and the books on my floor. I want things that I don't use/don't need out of my life.
And I think that's all I can think of. But I'm off to read some more books and update Goodreads. I cannot believe that I only checked that website 5 or 6 times during the semester. I feel like I'm missed so much.
~currently obsessed with: The Tangled Soundtrack by Disney.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Horrible blogger...
All this to say...I'm a horrible blogger. Hopefully I'll get better in the future. I mean, at least I'm starting early right? Wwwaaayyy before New Year's resolutions.
BUT! I almost forgot! This is on a completely random note! But have you seen the movie Tangled? My oh My! I LOVED it....and I kind of don't want to say anything else because I'll set up preconceived notions in your should just go see it...and I'm kind of obsessive because I bought the Soundtrack on for $3.99! Booyah!
-This is me, being insane....listening to Mother Knows Best from Tangled.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Remember when I used to blog?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
College Always Consumes
Monday, September 6, 2010
2nd week.
But I'm in a lull right now. I could actually be doing some homework to get caught up...but I just want to sit in the silence and contemplate life. Okay, that sounded really deep. What I"m really doing is sitting on a bench staring off into space and wondering why there is nothing interesting to read on twitter. Lame. Hahaha.
Actually, now that I've made my life sound so pathetic, I'm going to do my homework now.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My mind is reeling and I am still trying to combat my overwhelming emotions and figure out the ending. I can't think. I have to go blow my nose. I've already cried several times. It didn't end how I thought it would at all. I am confused. I don't know what I will do with myself for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I have the best Papi
...when my father got home from work and announced, "Guess what leftovers I brought home?"
Perfect timing.
And since I know my father well, I knew by his proclamation that he had brought something home I highly prized AND he was willing to share his food with me.
So I hopped out of bed and high-tailed it to the kitchen.
Turns out Papi had brought home some home-made tortillas from a Mexican restaurant we sometimes frequent (because of the tortillas) and was already heating them up on the skillet.
These tortillas are amazing because not only are they home-made from scratch and preservative free, but they are so thick and FLUFFY.
Divine heavenly goodness.
Hot and fresh tortillas with melted butter? Yeah, probably one of my all time favorite foods.
What a nice Papi.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Not in the way you'd imagine though. I steal words. Phrases. Odd gestures. Weird mannerisms. Funky personality traits.
I think I do this compulsively because I'm a Writer and I'm always picking up things that I can work into my writing. That's why people fascinate me so much. I love people-watching. I also love how people talk, what they say, what riles them up. It's great.
Today for example, I saw a flustered mom who had a handful of children who were misbehaving. I was trying to remain inconspicuous because I was already feeling like she was going to be embarrassed by her son's outburst. But I almost lost my composure and smiled when she exasperatedly said,
"I'm fixin' to hang you on a clothesline."
I had never heard someone say that before and I loved it. So of course I'm stealing it. I'm adding it to my bag of trademark phrases and southern sayings.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Really, I can't stand the feel of lipstick on my lips. It has something to do with repressed childhood memories, but I won't get into any of that. I don't like anything on my lips: lip gloss, lipstick, and even...chapstick. I almost have a phobia about this.
I've finally gotten to the point where I can wear chapstick when my lips are dry and on the verge of bleeding, because I know that is the only thing that will save them...but even then, it is a battle.
So why am I mentioning all of this? Well, the other day I noticed that my lips were a little dry...but I ignored them, because that's the type of person I am and I like to be delusional and convince myself that I'm paranoid and leave matters unsettled. Well, the next morning I woke up and my lips were completely chapped and stinging. Great.
So I had to find some chapstick. Okay, here's the deal. I own 3 bottles of chapstick. All of them are organic. (I kind of have a thing for organics. And hey, I don't want Red dye #3 hanging out on my lips. Um, gross.) So I pull out organic chapstick #1. There's nothing left.
That's okay, I'll just find organic chapstick #2 which also includes spf 15 sunscreen. I can't get the lid off so I pull harder and the complete top of my chapstick just goes flying across the room. Now, this is the part where germaphobics should stop reading. Even though it had fallen on the floor and I didn't know how clean it was, I was desperate for something to put on my stinging and about to fall of my face I brushed it off and blew on it (because blowing on imbedded-into-the-chapstick Dust Particles will do any good. uh huh.) and used the extreme last of my supply.
I needed to break into my stash of organic chapstick #3. But it was nowhere to be found. I'm not sure where it meandered off to, but it is somewhere in my room and I have little hope of finding it.
The moral of the story: I have no chapstick. I don't EVER use chapstick. And who on earth gets chapped lips in 90 degree weather in August? Really?
Seriously, I only own 3 chapsticks and all of them are unavailable.
As a side note, do you know how unlikely it is that walmart carries organic chapstick? Very unlikely.
Man, I need to buy some more chapstick.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Psyched cannot even begin to cover my emotions. I'm practically beaming with anticipation and adoration.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Good friends, good conversations...
Her: "It's like chick-fil-a skype?"
context: I was explaining how the drive-thru worked.
Me: "Why did you yell? Is my face really That hideous that you had to scream?"
Her: "It just scared me because I wasn't expecting your face to completely fill up my computer screen!"
context: she pushed a random button and my face took over her computer, consequently making her yelp.
Her: "What if we had a skype moss pit?"
Me: "This is my petrified wood look! *poses spastically with one arm raised and eyes frozen*
My response (once I saw how I looked): "I look socially inept!"
Her: "Is that going to be your perpetual face when you're old?"
Me: "I look like I have two front teeth!"
Her: "You do have two front teeth."
context: I had meant to say, "I look like I ONLY have two front teeth"
Obviously we are a little crazy, but it's okay because we understand each other fairly well and we're planning on taking over the world some day.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The other day I wandered past the kitchen to see most of our oven in pieces assembled across the floor. I didn't make much of it until a couple of hours later I walked by and it was being put back together. I walked by it a third time about 40 minutes later to hear my father mumbling, " looks like I forgot to put some screws back in..."
Needless to say, the mother wasn't too pleased. Haha!
(He found where the screws went.)
And for some odd reason, our microwave convection oven is not working. I guess that was the reason my father took the two ovens apart in the first place. The oven light went off and so now it won't cook anything but just says "door" on the screen like we've left it open.
It's funny how you don't think you use something very often until it disappears. Or how you want to eat lunch but everything conceivable to eat seems to need the microwave to cook. Annoying.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
You know what my mom's first reaction was? She looked at where I was pointing, took a sharp intake of breathe and immediately locked all the car doors.
I laughed for a full five minutes after we had passed them...I couldn't stop saying, "That was your first reaction? You locked the car doors?"
Just thinking about it cracks me up. Oh man...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Children will always make me smile.
After they had been in the exhibit rooms for 10 minutes:
Kid: "Mommy, I want to go now."
Mom: "Sorry hon, but we're going to be here for hours."
Kid: "How long is that?"
Mom: "A really long time."
Kid, pauses to think and takes a deep breathe: "Mommy, are we going to die here?"
I should mention that we were looking at egyptian mummies, so the kid's reasoning wasn't completely unfounded because there WERE dead bodies hanging out.
~Currently obsessed with:
Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch
Friday, June 25, 2010
Misplaced IDs, janky wallets, and creepy strangers at the gym.
So at the end of the day I'm headed to the gym with mom. Looking at my gym bag I make sure I've brought my wallet. Last time I completely forgot my wallet and had brought my camera instead. Needless to say, my camera did not magically turn into my much-needed gym card and I had to have the gym people look me up. So I was happy to see that I had brought my wallet this time, but my happiness soon turned to dismay when I opened my wallet and saw the slot that held my library card, gym ID, and driver's license was completely empty. Confounded wallet!
I've been having some issues with my latest duct tape wallet. I'm not sure if it is because I made it in a hurry and didn't take enough time to carefully craft it or if it's just old, but it is not holding things properly and my cards keep falling out of the pockets. Normally, this is just annoying and tedious, but when I'm in a hurry and grab my wallet to deposit it into another bag and leave half the contents of my wallet in my previous bag, it becomes downright frustrating.
That would make it day 2 I'd shown up the the gym without an ID. I was already mad at my pesky wallet for gleefully leaving things behind and now I was mad at myself for not double-checking before I left the house. And now I had to go explain again to the gym people that I did not have my ID. Great.
I told the guy that I didn't have my ID and he admonished me for forgetting it and told me sternly that I needed to bring it next time. I was already stewing and his comment only made me more annoyed. Unfortunately I didn't realized until later (and after my mom had told me) that he was only harassing me and wasn't nearly as serious as I had first imagined him. According to my mom he had seen that I was annoyed and had decided to poke fun at me, but I just did not see the subtle nuances that he was only joking and wasn't really mad at me for neglecting to bring my ID. I'm the kind of person that is seemingly gullible, especially with people I do not know well and so I cannot tell when they are joking and will think forever that they were severely disappointed when I didn't bring my ID. It was only my outburst of "Do I really look like the kind of scatterbrained person who forgets their ID on a regular basis? Do I have to be told that next time I need to bring my ID?" that my mom said he had only been pulling my leg.
So this was the kind of mood I was in when I walked upstairs and heard Creepy Guy talking loudly to someone else about sports.
Okay, so I haven't yet introduced you to Creepy Guy. I know, I know, way original name right? But seriously, he is creepy. I don't like him for a number of reasons.
- He walks funny.
- He has an incredibly annoying and grating voice.
- He has a bulbous head.
- He appears to be full of himself and pompous.
- And the REASON I DISLIKE HIM THE MOST: I feel that whenever I'm working out he is staring at me. This is majorly creepy and slightly disturbing.
Now the only reason I think he's staring at me is because I've scanned the room a couple times and he's been staring in my direction, which is just unnerving. And as soon as I see someone staring at me, I immediately look away and pretend to be busy with something else until I can sneak another glance at the person so see if they are still staring at me or if it was just my imagination. When I did this he was still staring in my direction.
So after my day of grumpiness and then coming to the gym to find Creepy Guy there I was not in a good mood. But surprisingly, I just plugged in my iPod and listened to some Thousand Foot Krutch and tried to ignore him and by the time I was down with my workout I was relatively calm. I didn't have a headache and I had almost completely forgotten about my wallet mishap. I've read that exercising relieves stress and boy did I need that after the day I had been having. I'm glad I went.
Yesterday was just kind of crazy.
~Currently listening to:
Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch
Thursday, June 24, 2010
~Currently obsessed over:
Trinity by Paper Tongues
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sarcasm much?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Reason #239 of why I love children...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hunger Games Movie Please Come Soon
I was looking at people's cast lists for the movie and I've been seeing some pretty interesting choices. But this only made me realize that I need to give MY input. So, of course, now I have to assemble a cast list. Yep, I'm going to be writing another blog entry up soon.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Confessions of a nursery worker...
"Hey, it's okay, your mommy is just in church...she's going to be back in a bit, don't you want to play with the trains?"
"Oh man, why do you have colored snot? That's gross. Now I have to get you a tissue. Oooorrrr you can just wipe your face on my shirt. That eliminates the whole mucus problem because it isn't in on your face anymore. Well, I guess this shirt is going into the laundry when I get home. Thanks, anytime you don't have the time to wait for a tissue, just use my shirt/arm/leg/shoe, really, I don't mind one bit."
"Don't hit her. Go over and say you're sorry. We don't hit people because that's not nice. Do you want to go to time-out?"
"Drat, now he's smiling. It is so hard to discipline a child who's doing something bad when he just looks so cute. Argh, I can't smile because then he will know I'm not serious and he won't listen and he'll think he can get away with that kind of behavior...don't smile...don't smile..."
"Yeah, you...uh huh, I'm talking to you bud. You don't have to look shocked, I saw you shove him. You think your innocent little face will prove you not guilty? Nope, it won't."
Yeah, I love kids...but some times they frustrate me/make me laugh. It's funny how you can be mad at them one minute for completely disobeying everything you've told them and then they are hugging you and saying, "sorwy" and you can't help but think of them as angelic. Funny that.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Some people need to pay attention...
Sigh. This is the kind of stuff that makes me depressed.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
"I saw Tony the other day..."
"Big Tony?"
"Little Tony who got his eye detached, you call him Big Tony?"
"No, there's two Tonys."
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Oh the conversations we have.
The context: playing Apples to Apples
The conversation:
Me: "I'm so hot....I'm sweating!"
The Sis, inquiring: "Are you wearing socks?"
Me: "I'm wearing a skirt!!"
The Aunt, exasperated : "I don't think those are mutually exclusive!"
Thursday, May 27, 2010
It's funny...
~ Currently listening to:
Avalanche by Manafest
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Oh dear...
Monday, May 24, 2010
- Get a part-time job. (I've filled out several, several, job applications but it looks like I need to step it up a notch.)
- Get serious about my writing. I feel like lately I've been a poser-writer because I haven't done anything worthwhile with my writing. I'm thinking about writing a novel this summer? How hard could that be? I've already done nanowrimo successfully. So three months is plenty of time...*grins hopefully*
- Get my etsy shop up and running like a pro. This means taking the time and effort to research and read articles about how I can improve my shop and actually sell something. I'd also like to get at least 50-60 items up and listed.
- Get in shape. I've started walking...sporadically. I've read that walking is one of the best forms of exercise, plus it gets me out in the sun, when I'm usually inclined to stay inside and read all day.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
La la la...
I guess the reason I'm reading so much is to make up for all those hours I devoted to writing papers and studying during the college semesters...but I've also decided that I'm going to set some goals for myself.
So here are my summer reading goals.
- Get my to-read list on goodreads under 900 (I had originally made it under 1000, but now I'm thinking that will be too easy, so I've upped the ante.)
- Read 100 Juvenile/Young Adult fiction books.
- Read all the Newbery Medals (that I haven't already read, minus that one Newbery medal that our library doesn't own - drat!)
So those are my plans...and I'm sweepin' through them. I'm also listening to some good music on my iTunes. The Classic Crime is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. And I get excited anytime I hear Children 18:3's newest song. I cannot wait until their new CD comes out in June.
So if my blogging updates have been kind of scattered or nonexistant, it is because I'm buried in a corner somewhere wolfin' down a book.
~Currently listenin' to:
Cover Your Eyes by Children 18:3
Monday, May 17, 2010
Well, it was playing nice radio music when all of a sudden it just stopped. That's when I realized that my alarm had gotten fed up with me and was obviously thinking that I was never going to wake up and decided to turn itself off. This is something else you should know, my alarm is located on the complete otherwise of my room. As far away from my bed as possible. Did I plan this because of all the sleep studies that say that works best because you actually have to get up out of bed to turn it off instead of reaching over and slapping a button? No, I did that because that's where my desk is.
You learn something new every day. Alarms get fed up after 1 hour, good to know.
~Currently listening to:
The Silver Cord by The Classic Crime
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This is what happens...
Yeah, not the best idea. Oh, and I forgot to mention the book: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. It was good. Really good. I just couldn't tear myself away from the book and I had to tell myself to calm down and read the WHOLE paragraph before jumping to the next page to see if what was going to happen next. Man though, it wasn't really a happy book. It had some disturbing images and a lot of death, but it was sure thrilling and I sped through the entire novel like there was no tomorrow.
There's only one problem. Once I was done reading I was thinking, breathing, and seeing unconsecrated bodies leering at me all around the house. My legs were kind of shaky because I had been so tense while reading the book that I hadn't moved from my position for a couple of hours.
Needless to say, I did NOT want to be alone. The house was far too quiet and I couldn't quite distinguish between reality and fantasy. So it was a good thing my sister was home to distract me otherwise I probably would have gone crazy. It's even been hours since I read the book and Still whenever I hear an odd noise my heart kind of speeds up.
Gee whiz, I can only imagine what my dreams will be like tonight, but it was totally worth it. Haha.
~Currently listening to:
The Silver Cord by The Classic Crime
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I guess I need to work harder.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
All I have been doing...
I'm devouring books like a maniac. I just keep checking books out of the library and reading for hours every day. It's like I'm trying to make up for lost time.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Basically, I'm a freak.
Anyway, I figured there really wasn't enough to put in a cup so I decided I'd just drink it out of the carton. I don't normally do this sort of thing because it's cumbersome and weird. But since it's summer and I'm feeling lackadaisical I just took it to my room and finished it off in a couple of gulps.
Well, I set it aside on my bed, propped up next to my crumpled bed sheets and completely forgot about it while I surfed the internet on my laptop. I was happily looking around on websites when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something was on my bed that normally wasn't there and it looked like it was watching me. I was startled and spun my head around to be confronted by a cheery little cow holding an organic chocolate milk banner.
So, basically I'm a freak because I was scared by an empty milk carton that I had put on my bed. This is kind of pathetic. Obviously I am still recovering from finals week. Gee whiz.
~Currently listening to:
Innocence and Instinct by RED
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hey look, a contest.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Something I avoid...
So, I kind of don't like taking showers.
This doesn't really make sense, since I like being clean and don't like grime caked on my skin. But really, I sometimes can find absolutely no motivation to take a shower right when I get up the morning. I put it off, saying that I need to eat breakfast, check my email, or read 12 books. You know, the little things that can take up so much time.
Well, I decided that I should work on my health and so I took a long walk around the neighborhood. This might not sound like much, but I HATE walks....especially out in the humid hot sun. But I knew that I would feel better after some exercise and if I went for a walk I would have no excuse whatsoever not to take a shower right after I got back because of sweat. That was my grand plan.
So what am I doing exactly? Writing a blog entry instead of taking a shower. That's what I'm doing.
New favorite movie!
I loved toothless, he was incredibly cute and his mannerisms always made me smile. Hiccup was great, I loved his sarcastic asides he inserted into his crazy situations. He made me laugh with all his quips and facial expressions.
I laughed, I almost cried, and I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face when it was over. It was the first movie I have seen in a long time that I have wanted to immediately watch again. Definitely my favorite movie of the year.
I want a pet dragon.
If you haven't seen a trailer, you should really watch this.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Gee whiz...
I'm keeping positive. And it helps that some of the graduates are staying around town for a little bit this summer. I can still hang out with them, even though they won't be in my classes next semester.
I do not even want to think about what a wreck I will be when I graduate in a couple of years. Basket-case. That's all I have to say.
~Currently humming in my head
Oh, Happiness by David Crowder Band
Thursday, April 29, 2010
My to-read list.
I'm free!!!!
I felt like it was cause for celebration and grammatical abundance.
My first two years of college: complete. I am now a junior. Summer has started. I can read so many books. I can take over the world. I can write poetry without the judgmental glances of homework. I can sleep in late. Yeah man. I'm kind of excited.
Plus, I know so many people who aren't going far away for the summer. So I can actually hang out with people. This is great.
~currently humming:
Free At Last by dcTalk
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I feel like I've gone through so many different emotions these past couple of weeks. I just don't know what to feel sometimes. I'm strung-out. But I just got back from a party. We watched a movie at the end. There were only a few of us left to watch Bright Star, but we took an empty classroom and couches and pillows and made ourselves a little den.
I don't know how I feel about that movie. I cried. I liked the imagery. But I don't know if I will ever be in love with it.
After I drove home, I got our of my car and heard the wind. It was roaring. I could imagine the swirls of its rhythm in the dark night sky.
I was in such a mood. I stopped and closed my eyes. Letting the wind fill my thoughts. The sounds reminded me of the ocean. I was pulled into mourning, not knowing what I had lost. Every time I opened my eyes I could feel something tugging at the corner of my mind, trying to remind me of something I had lost. I felt swept away by the tides of the wind.
I wanted to write.
Oh, one more thing....
Monday, April 19, 2010
Just a little note....
You probably won't see me...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
On a completely different train of thought...
Eating breakfast is a good thing. Skipping breakfast and then drinking questionably flavored peach punch before eating lunch is not a good thing. This will result in a headache.
food headache + art project headache = throbbing head.
In the future, I need to plan better.
Also, I'm obviously loosing it because as the semester has progressed I've gotten more and more delusional and absent-minded. This is not good for my mental sanity or for the people I call friends.
I'm losing the ability to speak coherently. My words blur together and I feel my brain turning into mush. I don't think it is a good idea to store mush in your head. Once school gets out I will be able to relax. Maybe. I have to get a job.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yum, chicken.
The one who comes home with fried chicken.
Haha, nepotism!
~currently humming:
Awake and Alive by Skillet
M-I-S-S-M-E...all you want...
So that is a majorly quick update on my life. I fell asleep listening to my favorite new guessed, WTWTA.
Okay, now I have to run some errands.
~Currently listening to:
Haunted Horse by Neon Horse
Monday, April 5, 2010
Well, I just pulled out six. SIX! That freaks me out. Am I going to have any eyelashes left? What if I pulled out six eyelashes a day? Are my eyelashes completely unbalanced now? Do I have some kind of eyelash deficiency disease?
These are the kinds of questions I will be asking myself now that I've just pulled half my eyelashes out.
Gee whiz.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Paper cuts...
The next morning it hurt. When I washed my hands it felt like I was reopening the wound. When I cut up strawberries for breakfast, I accidently leaked strawberry juice on it and that made it angry. When I picked up anything with my right hand it was unhappy and throbbed.
Basically, this paper cut was being a nuisance.
Also, I keep poking it, hoping that it will have healed...but I'm starting to get the idea that's not helping. Funny that.
~listening to:
Forget and Not Slow Down by Relient K
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Funny that...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
It's official...
Monday, March 29, 2010
I know people...
Me: "Hey Stalker,"
Stalker: "Hey,"
Me: "You really need to quite following me you know,"
Stalker: "Um, hello, I'm not following you if I work are following me."
Me: "Oh, I guess that is true..."
Stalker: "Hey, my Stalker wants your help."
Librarian: "What can I do for you hun?"
Me: "So, I have a library book that I'm pretty sure is overdue and I was wondering if I could renew it because I'm in the middle of writing a research paper on it..."
Librarian: "Sure thing, let me check your account..."
Librarian: "There you go! It'll be due back in 2 weeks."
Me: "I don't have to pay anything?"
Librarian: "Nope, I erased all your fines because you hang out with seedy people."
Isn't that great? I have stalker connections and it pays in the end. Although, I think my book was overdue by 1 or 2 it wasn't crazy overdue or anything.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Not in the least...
Listening to like a fiend because I'm pretty sure I'm in love with this soundtrack:
Where The Wild Things Are Motion Picture Soundtrack
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Free time?
I received it in the mail as a part of a goodreads giveaway contest I entered and I am so stoked that I won! I love how this author takes things that you take for granted and he twists them into horrifying and fantastic new elements of a sci-fi/steam punk novel! This is the author's website if you want to check him out, and here is the book website. You might recognize his name because he also wrote Mortal Engines, which I absolutely LOVED. I am going to go read some more and try to finish it today before the madness of school starts again.
~listening to like an obsessed fiend:
the Where The Wild Things Are Soundtrack
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Duly noted...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Since yesterday...
Monday, March 22, 2010
I'm a lyin' fool
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Getting ready...
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'm trying to be healthy...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday afternoons..
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Relient K obsession?
Seems to me to be unfair
When you consider everyone
Who pales when they compare
Can't hold a candle to her
Cause all the moths get in the way
And they'll begin to chew her
Entire attire until it frays
For she outshines anyone whoever might
Dare to bask in the same candlelight"
Sleep deprivation...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Side note...
I'd love for homework to disappear...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I'm still here...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Meandering thoughts...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So sleepy...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not Cool.
Monday, February 22, 2010
My pearly whites

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Oh, yeah...
Study time
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Update on Clinker
I just saw this...

So, taking a little study break from my homework, I was perusing the internet when I saw this!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I got a blog award!

I got a lovely little award from my friend, Amelia over @ Imagination In Focus!
- Beth @ Beth Kephart Books
- Amelia @ Imagination In Focus (she sent it to me!)
- Sara @ Along For The Ride
- Janette @ Janette Rallison's Blog
- Miss Erin @ Miss Erin
- Shannon @ Squeetus
- Wideyed @ To Convey A Double Meaning
- Stephanie @ Yarn Harlot
- Julie @ The Book Gargoyle
- Ashes @ Up From The Ashes