
Sunday, February 14, 2010

English major in an art class

So I'm working on an art project right now. It's probably going to take forever because I've never done anything like this before in my whole life. I didn't take art in school and I've never even really doodled. I wouldn't be in the this class if it weren't required for my photography minor. But I think this class is going to drive me crazy, man. I just spent a hour drawing and shading my face on a 4 by 5 piece of paper and I'm STILL not happy with the result. My eyes are too big and lopsided. But I have 5 more pieces to do before tonight because I will have absolutely NO time tomorrow and it's due on Tuesday at noon.

It is definitely not the best rendition of myself, but considering it being the first face I have ever attempted to draw, I'd say it was decent.

I probably should stop writing though and get back to work...I have 5 more different versions to make of my face.

~Currently listening to:
Ocean Eyes by Owl City

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